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Bright Star Kids is known around the world for making the cutest and most durable personalized Name Labels, School Labels and Personalized Gifts for kids. Made to order for you here in the USA & shipped fast, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to buy quality products made in the USA. Bright Star Kids has been established since 2005 and has sold millions of Labels in that time. Over those years we've expanded our range of top quality personalized products to include Gifts & Labels that are perfect for kids & adults no matter the event or occasion. You'll also find lots of personalized gift labels for girls, boys, parents & Teachers. Personalized Wine Labels, Beer Labels & Labels for cookies, candy & gifts. Personalize any gift big or small. Our personalized Name Labels are the best for helping kids to keep track of all of your kids' belongings & they make a super cute gift too. They're so easy to personalize & with 100s of cute design options your kids will love using them on every little thing. Our Name Labels are dishwasher safe & super durable. Apply them too all of your kids' belongings for Daycare, Preschool or School. Our School Labels Combo pack is incredibly popular around the world because it's great value. It includes Stick On Name Labels & Iron On Labels for all of your child's belongings. Apply the waterproof Name Label to their shoes, clothing, pencils, lunch boxes & hats and they'll stay stuck. Bright Star Kids makes Back to School fun. Coordinate your kids' School Supplies & Name Labels with matching colors & designs. Our range of personalized Water Bottle Stickers, Bag Tags, Backpacks & Name Labels is designed to last kids all year. Kids the world over love them because they show off their name. Looking for more personalized items? Bright Star Kids also has the cutest range of Personalized Posters, Educational Charts & Growth Charts for kids. The perfert gifts for kids who love to learn. Add their name & choose a colour & design they love. They're going to learn so fast with these. Every item is made to order for you here in the USA & shipped fast. Preview your personalized items now & buy USA made.
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Date: October 3, 2023, 8:19 pm UTC
For Merchant: Bright Star Kids - Website:
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